Who is Bob Lazar?
Robert "Bob" Lazar is a selfappointed scientist who claims to have worked at a place called S-4, which is said to be a part of the top-secret facility Area-51, outside Las Vegas in Nevada, USA. S-4 is said to be stationed 10 miles south of the centerfacility at Area-51/Groom Lake.
He's the scientist that claims that he was hired under contract in December 1988 and left in April1989. He says that the reason he was hired was due to a nuclearaccident where 3 other scientists was killed and he was to take over the work of one of those. His job was to do "backengineering", which means that he was supposed to take apart a UFO and try to find a way to rebuild the parts with eartbound material. The craft he was working with he called "the sportmodel" (see pictue on top of this page). After he had broken his oath of silence and stolen a portion of the radioactive compound 115, and at three occasions he invited friends to watch testflights of the crafts, he went public to prevent the government to "snuff" him. Who kills a man in the spotlight if you want to keep things under the lid?! This is the story Lazar has given us in short termes.
Here I' m gonna bring up some "oddities" Bob Lazar has stated during the years he "went public" with his story.
Born: Robert Scott Lazar, January 26, 1959, Coral Gables, Florida. When the TV-producer, George Knapp, checked with the hospital Lazar claimed that he was born in, it turned out to have no documents at all about him. In his marriage certificate there's a match of the date of birth and state (Florida), but no town is noted which is "unusual". Perhaps the papers was lost, unfourtunately the best and most comprehensive birth records source for the state of Florida is the State Department of Health and Rehabilitation Services (records since 1917), but those are confidential and may only be issued to the birth registrant. And why Lazar hasn't went public with the birthrecord, if he can ask for it, is most peculiar if he wants to be taken seriously. So it appears no one can verify the claim that RL's birth Records have vanished without his written permission - if you can give permit that records should "dissapear".
Social Security Number: Lazars number indicates that it was issued in the state of New York (068) and the note SS# show that it most likely was issued in 1974.
Education and graduation: August 1976. According to Stanton T. Friedman Lazar got his graduation from W. Tresper Clarke High School in Long Island, New York, in august 1976. His classstanding was 261 out of a class of 369, which hardly puts him in the top as a "genious". This puts doubt to Lazars claim of being accepted at Cal Tech or MIT, where they only accept the top 10% of the graduates, which Lazar was not. Lazar also claims that his teacher at Cal Tech wasa a man called Duxler. When Friedman located this Duxler, a physics and math teacher, he confirmed that Lazar had attended one of his courses in late 70's but Duxler said that he never taught at Cal Tech but instead at - Los Angeles Pierce Collage where Lazar was a student...
University:1978. Lazar gets a BS. at Pacifica University - by correspondence. Lazar claims that he attended the Cal State University for a few classes during a short period of time, before he attended Cal Tech. Lazar is not noted in any of the schools yearbooks or any files.
Ph.D: As Lazar puts it: "Probably eighty two..." You can ask anyone with a Ph.D and he/she can state the date, even the time, as they was given this crucial career-degree - but not Lazar. Lazar claims that he has a MITá(Masters in Technology). A number of reserachers has vacumcleaned every register there is between 1978 and 1990 and the name Lazar didn't pop-up anywhere. Instead we can find that Lazar was noted at Dexlers class at the SAME TIME as he claims to have taken his Ph.D in MIT! Lazar also claims that he was listed in the Los Alomos National Laboratory Phonebook, which he means shows that he was an emplyoee. But Friedmans research shows that he didn't have to be an employee to be listed in the phonebook, as a 1000 people a year was hired under contract and they all was listed in the phonebook - only under contract, not regular employee.
Marriage: On July 27, 1980 he married 13 year older Carol Nadine Strong from Woodlands Hills, California. Lazar is noted as "Electronics engineer" in the marriage-certificate, and Carol as "Electronic Technician".
The Jet-car: On June 27, 1982, Lazar and his wife Carol had moved to Los Alomos and in the local newspaper Los Alomos Monitor there was a big article about Robert Lazar and his "Honda Jet-Car" and the article (front page) stated that Lazar was "...a physicist at the Los Alomos Meson Physics Facility". Lazar gained much media attention with this jet-car and he stated that it could be driven over 200 mph on a low amount of fuel. Lazar also say that he tested this car at a dry bedlake outside Los Angeles. Groom lake / Area 51 is a dry bedlake outside Los Angeles, a coincidence?
In 1984 Lazar borrows $4,000 from his mother and according to the OMNI-Magazine (April issue 1994) in 1985 he buys a a Brothel called "the Reno Brothel" while "on vacation in Nevada" This brothel, which he owned with his wife and renamed "Honeymoon Suckle", was so profitable that he didn't have to return to full time employment for a while. In his bankruptcy papers filed in 1986 there's no mention of any aincome of this brothel, but the file says that he hadn't payed back the money he owned his mother. Instead he had bought a Chevrolet Corvette for $19,000... The year before (1985) he also borrowed a number of other sums like:
$15,000 from his father and repaid only $1,000 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$60,000 from Los Alomos National Bank which he secured wuth his $7,9000 worth Honda. He only repaid $1,300 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$12,000 from the same bank to build his new photo processing business. He only repaid $300 by the time of bankruptcy filing.
$5,000 via a "three minute loan" from Security Pacific Finance Corp. of Albaquerque, New Mexico.
$2,000 from John Horne of Los Alomos for downpayment on a jet car that wasn't repaid at the time of bankruptcy filing.
During this his wife buys a new residence in Las Vegas while Robert stayed remained in Los Alomos. Lazar remarried with Tracy Ann Murk, but he was appearantly still married to Carol as no divorce papers were filed. On April 21 Carol commited suicide by carbon monixide poisioning as she inhalated motor vehicle exhaust. After this Lazar moves to Carols house on Ann Greta Street and he takes over her photographic processesing-firm which he loses in the liquidation-bankruptcy which he voulentarily filed on July 21, 1986. In these files there's no mention of his employment at Los Alomos National Laboratory and he stated that his income was "unknown" and his only income was from the photgraphic process-company. He also stated that $15,000 had vanished with his accountant. He also stated that his monthly expenses was $15,510 of which he only managed to pinpoint $2,360, the rest he never specified. On October12 he re-marries Tracy, she goes with another name (Jackie Dianne Evans) and the reason to that is still unknown. They marry at the "Chapel of Love" in Las Vegas. The certificate was send to the Ann Great adress.
On March 16, 1988, Lazar loses his house as he can't pay the bills and his wife buys a house of her own (they divorced on paper in 1989).
It's about this timeperiod Robert "Bob" Lazar meets John Lear and his employment at Area-51 begins (according to him). In May 1989 he goes public at George Knapps TV-station "KLAS-TV"...
Does this sound like a man to be trusted?